5 examples of how our clients are killing it with interactive video


Interactive video involves a whole new way of thinking about video content, and it can be a bit daunting when you consider all of the possibilities that it holds. To make it easier to see what’s possible, we put together a list of five real-world interactive video examples of how Rapt Media clients are using interactive video to drive marketing initiatives, educate employees, win over talent, and more.

And, of course, what better way to illustrate how people are using interactive video, than in an interactive video?

We sat down with Rapt Media CEO Erika Trautman to discuss five easy-to-digest samples of what our clients are doing with interactive video within the following categories:

  • Brand Experience
  • Lead Generation
  • Recruitment
  • Education
  • Entertainment

Don’t want to read any more? Watch “5 Ways Our Clients are Using Interactive Video” now.


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An intern’s take on creating an interactive video


Going out and making an idea into something funny, interesting, informative or impactful is the goal of any video. Letting loose and doing something that showed off what could be done with interactive video was the goal of one of my first assignments as an intern at Rapt Media, and it’s also what “Dylan’s Super Useful Fruit Hacks” is all about.

Like any video, it started with an idea. Every new Rapt Media team member has to make an interactive video so that they understand the workflow and can get excited about the technology. When I was presented with the assignment, I really had no clue what I was going to do, but I wanted to do something that nobody around the office had seen before.


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How to measure success with interactive video


Measuring the effectiveness of a campaign is a critical step for any successful marketing initiative. Marketers are under increasing pressure to show ROI on their marketing spend, and we often get asked the question of how do you measure success with interactive video. One of the strongest and most useful features that sets Rapt Media’s interactive video technology apart is the ability to capture rich data that goes beyond the standard metrics such as reach and views.

To explain the different types of data marketers can leverage from interactive video, we turned to Rapt Media CEO and co-founder Erika Trautman. And what better way to deliver this information than through interactive video?

In this video on how to measure success with interactive video, you’ll learn:

  • The best types of data that can be leveraged for brand experiences, lead generation, recruitment, education, and entertainment
  • Real-world examples and results for each use case
  • The kinds of audience insights this data can provide
  • The metrics that are available to marketers via the Rapt Media platform


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IAB Arena: Understanding the digital advertising ecosystem through Rapt Media’s interactive video

IAB_ImageThis week, the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) launched its IAB Arena: Understanding the Digital Advertising Ecosystem with an interactive video powered by Rapt Media. See it here.

The IAB Arena: What is it?

The digital advertising ecosystem can be extremely complicated with new technologies and companies appearing every few months. However, it’s important for professionals and students of all levels to be able to comprehend and discuss digital advertising to excel in their jobs –whether it’s creating, distributing, selling, or measuring digital advertising.

This is the goal of the IAB Arena’s simple, six-ring illustration – to show how advertising messages are delivered to consumers in the vibrant and ever-expanding market. And, with the added interactive video powered by Rapt Media, viewers can go even further.

Interactive video: Personalizing the journey

The IAB teamed up with Rapt Media to tap the power of our interactive video platform with the goal of making the experience clean and simple, while also allowing those who are looking for more detail to dig deeper.

The IAB wanted to create a video that explained the Arena in detail, but Peter Minnium, creator of the Arena and IAB’s head of digital brand initiatives, and Jason GluskinIAB’s senior marketing consultant, realized that watching a linear video end-to-end was long and cumbersome.

“When I was introduced to Rapt Media’s nonlinear interactive video technology, I immediately saw it as an excellent way to bring the content to life, allowing users to navigate the rings at their own pace in the order they choose,” Gluskin explained.

The ultimate goal for this project was for anyone at any level of the industry to be able to easily grasp the concepts and choose to go into the level of explanation that they find most relevant to them and their level of knowledge and experience. Given this, the ability to present information efficiently and interactively was critical. Traditional linear video, which Minnium’s team experimented with, failed to meet this goal.


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Introducing ‘Storytelling 2.0,’ a Rapt Media interactive video Web series


Today, we’re thrilled to announce the launch of Storytelling 2.0,” a first-of-its-kind interactive video series, which allows users to interact with a behind-the-scenes view of how Rapt Media, its customers, and its partners are using interactive video for their own marketing efforts.

“Like every company, to make our vision a reality we have some serious business decisions to make, and the challenges that we’re facing here at Rapt Media are probably very similar to the challenges you’re facing inside your own marketing department or at your agency,” said Rapt Media CEO and Co-Founder Erika Trautman in the first episode, “Hello, World. Welcome to Rapt Media.

Over the next several months we’re going to show you how we tackle these issues using data, technology, and creativity. With each episode, viewers will have the  opportunity to dive deeper into understanding the “next wave of storytelling” by interacting with the technology itself. Meta, we know.


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Warner Bros. ‘Focus’ on engaging mobile millennials with interactive video


It’s almost the weekend, and if you’re keeping up with the latest Hollywood buzz, seeing “Focus,” Warner Bros.’ caper about complex cons (and the attractive con artists pulling them off – cough, cough, Will Smith), is probably in your plans.

But behind every great movie is great advertising, and before you hit the popcorn stand, you’ll want to check out the incredibly creative social media campaign, “Focus on the Con,” created by Warner Bros. Keeping with the theme of the movie, the campaign allows users to step into the shoes of a con artist, testing their skills through a series of interactive video scenarios to see if they have what it takes to pull off a con. Whether you attempt to con the Internet Mogul, the Investment Banker, or the Art Dealer, the fun campaign gives you a more personalized experience with the story.


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