It’s official: consumers want a more personalized online video experience from brands and marketers


In the world of online marketing, consumer engagement is everything and content is still king – especially when it comes to online video.

In an attempt to understand how customers interact with content put forward by brands, Rapt Media recently examined the behaviors and preferences of more than 2,000 consumers in the U.S. and U.K. Our new research report, “The Power of Choice: The Growing Divide Between Customer Experience and Video,” provides some serious insight on what consumers want in their online and video experience.

Customer experience and the demand for choice

We found that over half of consumers want to be able to choose content that is relevant to them, and nearly two-thirds of those surveyed would spend more time watching online video if they could interact with it on a personal level.


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‘Storytelling 2.0’ behind the scenes: What it takes to make an interactive video (Ep. 4)


We believe storytelling is much more engaging when the viewer has a choice in what they experience. We wanted to give viewers a way to interact with a new world of possibilities previously unimaginable with traditional, linear video, so we created our new brand video entitled “Future of Video,” to showcase Rapt Media’s technology.

We had a great time creating our own interactive brand video, and even though we eat, drink, and breath Rapt Media, we still learned a lot in the process. We decided to document that process and create an interactive video for our “Storytelling 2.0” series in order to share our experience.

Making of ‘Future of Video’

Producing an interactive video requires a different mindset than traditional linear video. In Episode 4 of our “Storytelling 2.0″ interactive video series, we dissect how to create an interactive video from pre-production to post-production using our own brand video, “Future of Video,” as an example. To do this, we partnered with two Denver-based production companies, Image Brew and Studio Hippo, to help us create this video.


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Greg Adamietz joins Rapt Media as VP of Sales


The Rapt Media team is growing, and we’re pleased to announce that Greg Adamietz has joined us as vice president of sales, where he will be in charge of growing revenue, expanding our customer base and managing the sales of our interactive video platform.

As agencies, brands and media are looking to engage with their audiences in meaningful, long-lasting ways, Rapt Media’s interactive video platform is providing the solution. In response to this growing need, Adamietz will be leading the Rapt Media sales team to grow its business.

Adamietz has specialized in marketing and selling emerging SaaS-based Web technologies for over 15 years. Throughout his career, he has focused on technologies that marry visitor and user intelligence with immediate, relevant action – a win for both marketers and customers.


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The future of short-form video: Make it native, social, and mobile (and interactive)


London’s Digital Shoreditch Festival 2015

The Digital Shoreditch Festival, held annually in London since 2011, celebrates some of the best technical, creative, and entrepreneurial talent that the world has to offer. People from around the globe gather to present and experience the cutting edge of the newest, most innovative fledgling technologies that will go on to fundamentally change the way we market, create, and consume media.

Rapt Media Presents!

It’s no surprise then that Rapt Media’s co-founder and CEO, Erika Trautman, had a prominent presence on the stage last Friday, where she explained Rapt Media’s innovative interactive video platform as a solution to the changing media landscape to a full house. (Click here to see a SlideShare of her presentation, “Technology, Creativity & Data: How to tell your story, engage your audience and gain valuable data from interactive video.”)

In her presentation, Trautman spoke about the critical role short-form video plays as the majority of video consumption shifts to mobile devices. This is especially essential for millennials, who check their smartphones 8,000 times per year, and consume most of their news, entertainment, and marketing messages while on the go.

Interactive video puts the viewer at center-stage, which is especially appealing to a generation that grew up on the Web, where users actively engage with content rather than passively consume it. It’s time to bring what’s at the core of the Web to video – and that starts with interactivity. Unsurprisingly, these ideas have created waves in the digital marketing community.


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Rapt Media creates interactive version of joint Forrester webinar on latest video and mobile trends


Rapt Media recently teamed up with Forrester Research in an hour-long webinar, “Reach, Engage, and Convert with Interactive Video,” to discuss how big brands can build better relationships with customers through valuable video content.

Instead of just posting the presentation on Slideshare (okay, we did that, too), we created an interactive video version – giving viewers the ability to select the content that interests them most.

The beauty of interactive video is that it allows you to navigate to the content you find most valuable. We think the whole thing is worth watching, but that’s for you to decide!

In this interactive webinar, you’ll learn:

  • How interactive video drives awareness and action
  • How interactive video outperforms traditional video
  • How to seamlessly integrate video on mobile
  • Strategies for nonlinear storytelling
  • How Philips used interactive video to learn about millennials


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‘Storytelling 2.0’ – Ep. 3: Adopting interactive video


What does it mean to be an early adopter? Sure, one could equate the term with someone who camps outside an Apple Store to be one of the first to snag the newest iPhone (yes, that’s a little extreme). But what is it really like to be an early adopter of a technology at a larger scale – say an agency or business deciding to use a groundbreaking new piece of software, for example?

To find out first-hand what it’s like to be an early tech adopter, we spoke to digital marketing and social media agency Room 214, whom you may remember from our interactive video series’ most recent episode, “The Pros and Cons of Hiring Outside Agencies.”

Clients are constantly looking to their agencies to find out what’s new and what’s next. Room 214 is back in our latest installment to give you an inside peek into how they tackle some of the challenges associated with being an early adopter of new technologies, such as interactive video.


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