How we turned a linear video into an Interactive Video in 15 minutes

Silver Stopwatch

Earlier this month, Rapt Media CEO Erika Trautman sat down with ClickZ, a website that covers interactive marketing news, to talk about the state of Interactive Video (IV) and how Rapt Media’s platform is changing online marketing. Along with the full article, which is definitely worth a read, ClickZ also posted a video of Trautman’s answers to questions such as the inspiration behind Rapt Media, what we’ve seen from in the IV space so far, how IV is evolving, what kind of results we’re seeing, and how mobile fits into all of this.

The original video posted by ClickZ was a 7-minute-long linear video that went through all of Trautman’s answers. However, since the story is all about interactive video, we decided to take ClickZ’s video and transform it into an IV.

In about 15 minutes, we imported the original video content into the Rapt Media authoring platform, trimmed the 7-minute clip into five distinct sections, and transformed it into a user-driven Interactive Video. We call that the #InteractiveEffect.

If you’re more interested in Interactive Video and analytics than Rapt Media’s back story, simply click the button to view that section, or click another button to see how IV is evolving, or another button to learn how mobile comes into play. You get to drive the video experience and choose what part of the video to watch. You control the content.

The best part about the ClickZ example is that we took existing video footage that wasn’t shot with interactivity in mind, and turned it into an interactive project. Rapt Media’s platform is versatile and easy to use, making it simple enough for anyone to transform a flat video into one that engages viewers. Check out the original video, and then give the interactive version a try.

Original Version

Interactive Version

Interested in turning your existing video content into an IV? Click here to sign up for free and try it yourself.

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