Video tutorials go interactive: Sphero

by Basho Mosko |

We decided to take our friend's video tutorials and mash them up into an interactive video project that lets you jump right to the information you're looking for.


No. 1 in enterprise video solutions, monetization, marketing

by Basho Mosko |

DailyTekk picks 100+ Ways to Watch and Create TV, Film, and Web Video, and FlixMaster makes slot #1 in our the enterprise video solutions, monetization, and marketing category!  Pretty exciting.  Any tools you don’t see on this list?


Job interview? See what happens when you enter with a cat

by Basho Mosko |

Nervous about your upcoming job interview? Ever wonder what would happen if you were a crazy cat lady and couldn't be away from your cat long enough to go to a job interview (let alone long enough to go to your job for the day)? In the narrative comedy and Interactive Video, "Enter with a Cat," the viewer has to figure out how to take care of her cat obsession on the fly as she directs the action in a mock interview situation.


Forbes Insights Digital Transformation Report