Rapt Media launches #InteractiveEffect promo to help kickstart Interactive Video projects

by Jen Bergen |

In yesterday’s announcement about Rapt Media once again powering the interactivity for Cinemax’s “Welcome to Banshee” video microsite, we also mentioned an exciting limited-time promotion to help brands and agencies kickstart their Interactive Video projects.

In order to provide an opportunity for companies to experience, first hand, what the #InteractiveEffect can do for their businesses, all new Rapt Media clients will receive a two-day, on-site consultation with a Rapt Media IV expert to...


Cinemax and Rapt Media launch Interactive Video microsite for ‘Banshee’ Season 2

by Jen Bergen |

If you didn’t get enough of Cinemax’s original action series “Banshee” last year, you’re in for a treat. We’re thrilled to announce that Rapt Media is once again powering the interactivity for Cinemax's "Welcome to Banshee" video microsite for the show's second season.

Using Rapt Media's Interactive Video Solution Suite to support the revamped digital microsite, Cinemax delivers viewers an unprecedented and immersive dive into more than 74 background "Banshee" clips that amplify the season’s...


Interactive Video 101: What is it and why should you care?

by Jen Bergen |

“Blu-ray,” “cloud storage,” and “convertible PCs.” These terms were thrown around left and right when these tech innovations hit the market. However, not everyone knew exactly what these products were or why they mattered. We all had an inkling of an idea about what they did: Blu-ray was some sort of DVD replacement, cloud storage held your files somewhere in the ether, and convertible PCs somehow combined a laptop and a tablet into one device…we think. Clearly, there was some confusion. As...


What all content marketers should know about the future of online video

by Jen Bergen |

As a company with our ear to the online-video ground, we can say with conviction that video will have a huge impact on one thing this year: Content Marketing. In a blog post recently published by The Guardian on its Small Business Network, author Chris Trimble speaks to content marketers about why online video is the future of marketing, and why small businesses that don’t integrate it in their marketing strategies are jeopardizing their success.

According to the story, a Cisco study says 69...


AdExchanger: Paying 'Rapt' attention to online video’s true power

by Jen Bergen |

Static online video doesn’t harness the nature and power of the Internet. In a recent article published by AdExchanger, a trade publication focused on data-driven digital marketing and programmatic media, author David Kaplan talks with Rapt Media CEO Erika Trautman about how “placing online video's value in ‘sight, sound and motion’ overlooks the true power of new media,” and how Interactive Video is changing that.


7 New Year’s resolutions for creating the best Interactive Videos in 2014

by Basho Mosko |

New Year’s resolutions can be hard to keep up with. Losing weight, quitting smoking, and putting away more money are common declarations this time of year, but we came up with a list of goals for 2014 that’s a little different. This year, we’ve made a list of Interactive Video (IV) resolutions to help us stay on track and make the best IVs we can.

The good news is, like losing weight and quitting smoking, we know these resolutions will help us in the long run. No, we won’t be any healthier...


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