Rapt Media-powered interactive Maybelline campaign chosen as Webby Awards honoree

by Jen Bergen |

The votes for this year’s Webby Awards are in. While we’re thrilled to see an increase of interactive projects included in the mix, we’re even more exhilarated to announce that Rapt Media partner, ICED Media, was chosen as an official Webby Awards Honoree for its work on #TheGlamourEye campaign for Maybelline.

With 12,000 entries received from all 50 states and more than 60 countries, this distinction is an exceptional accomplishment, and we are delighted that Rapt Media’s interactive...


Why HTML5 will finally take over video and the Web this year

by Erika Trautman |

This article was originally published on The Next Web on April 21, 2014. 

Cassette tapes, 8-tracks, and … Flash. All three of these mediums need a player to work, and all three mediums are either dead or dying. Just as CDs replaced tapes as a more efficient means of playing music, and digital files replaced CDs to do the same, HTML5 is making Flash obsolete.

The HTML5 versus Flash debate has been a hot topic among Web developers for years – and even more so since Steve Jobs published his now...


How to make an animated video in less than 24 hours (without knowing what you’re doing)

by Chris |

A few years ago I was given a theme, a prop, and an action requirement that had to appear in an original video – oh, and 24 hours to create said video. For those of you familiar with the production process, you know this is no walk in the park. It’s hard enough to work within a 24-day production schedule let alone 24 hours.

No, it wasn't the theme (“One”), the prop (the number one), or the action (listening to music) that caused the vein in my forehead to bulge out a few hours into the...


Turning online video into your hub for brand, product, and content engagement [IV Tips 6]

by Basho Mosko |

U.S. interactive ad revenue is exceeding that of broadcast television, according to figures like those from the Interactive Advertising Bureau’s Internet Advertising Revenue recent report, so why is it that online video is still finding itself relegated to garnish instead of the main course?

Too often broadcast spots are just reworked for an online audience as their broadcast production budgets dwarf that of their online video counterparts. Despite huge viewing and engagement numbers, web...


How to use Site Pairing’s tab feature to create impactful CTAs, organize your Interactive Video

by Jen Bergen |

Back in February we moved our Site PairingTM technology out of beta and into the hands of creatives, marketers, brands, and agencies. Though we have plenty of examples within published projects of how Site Pairing works – check out Cinemax’s “Banshee” microsite or our own “Baking with Jonathan” interactive cooking video if you haven't yet – you may still be wondering how Site Pairing actually works. In our new Site Pairing interactive demo video, we’ll give you the behind-the-scenes scoop.


How to plan for an Interactive Video: Pre-production tips and tricks

by Chris |

Sure creating Interactive Videos with Rapt Media is drag-and-drop easy, but the planning process of realizing your vision can feel daunting. How long should your clips be? What sort of experience are you trying to create? How much "interactivity" is too much? The list goes on (check out our Interactive Video Tips series to learn more about some of these questions), but with a little pre-production preparation and direction, you can easily build a successful Interactive Video (IV) experience,...


Interactive Video Tips: How to optimize Interactive Video for mobile devices [Week 5]

by Basho Mosko |

How would you react if you heard that mobile video viewing has increased by over 700 percent since Q4 of 2011? Shock, amazement, disbelief? “Yes to all of those!” was my reaction before downloading the Ooyala Global Video Index Q4 2013, which reports that year over year, time spent watching video on tablets and mobile devices is up an astounding 719 percent since Q4 of 2011, and up 160 percent since Q4 of 2012.

Brands and agencies aren’t sleeping on these statistics, and we’re regularly...


Forbes Insights Digital Transformation Report