5 examples of how our clients are killing it with interactive video

by Dylan Dickey |

Interactive video involves a whole new way of thinking about video content, and it can be a bit daunting when you consider all of the possibilities that it holds. To make it easier to see what’s possible, we put together a list of five real-world interactive video examples of how Rapt Media clients are using interactive video to drive marketing initiatives, educate employees, win over talent, and more.

And, of course, what better way to illustrate how people are using interactive video, than...


An intern’s take on creating an interactive video

by Dylan Dickey |

Going out and making an idea into something funny, interesting, informative or impactful is the goal of any video. Letting loose and doing something that showed off what could be done with interactive video was the goal of one of my first assignments as an intern at Rapt Media, and it’s also what “Dylan’s Super Useful Fruit Hacks” is all about.

Like any video, it started with an idea. Every new Rapt Media team member has to make an interactive video so that they understand the workflow and...


Forbes Insights Digital Transformation Report