What's really holding marketers back from investing in content?

by Jen Bergen |

The “rules of engagement” have changed. Though marketers are tasked with creating personalized content, doing it cost effectively and being able to measure performance from initial consumption all the way to ROI is a challenge most face. After speaking with marketers, we found that they have a tremendous content measurement problem, saying that their biggest challenge with content is gaining deeper insights beyond clicks and views or initial consumption.

Not only are marketers being tasked...


Survey: How are content discovery, personalization driving purchase decisions?

by Jen Bergen |

According to The Future of Content: Rethinking Content Consumption report, consumers want to discover content on their own and are tired of brands pushing online ads through interruptive channels. They find it to be irrelevant, impersonal, and overwhelming, taking action to avoid seeing more of the same content in the future.

We recently surveyed more than 1,000 consumers to understand how content discovery and personalization is driving purchase decisions and affecting brand loyalty.



Rapt Media transforms Composer, introduces new features and improved usability

by Caleb |

It’s rare that we get an opportunity to make changes to some of the foundational pieces of our app, but over the last couple of months, we’ve been working on a big update to the Rapt Media Composer. What started as a code refactor and performance upgrade turned into a rethinking of the user experience and interface.

There's a lot of new features, and we're excited to share the results with our customers.

Rapt Media Composer: What’s new?

While everything will be faster and smoother, there...


Recruit, retain, educate, and inspire with the interactive advantage for talent management

by Jen Bergen |

As the digital evolution continues, companies in a variety of industries are seeking creative and new ways to engage talent at each stage of the employee lifecycle. Increased mobile connectivity and the growth of social media has changed the way businesses communicate with their modern workforce, creating unique opportunities to influence, educate, and inspire.

Whether it’s recruiting new talent, educating employees, or communicating with a global leadership team, it all circles back to the...


Forbes Insights Digital Transformation Report