Why are marketers struggling to prove ROI?

by Jen Bergen |

Marketers have a lot on their plates. Not only are they tasked with creating effective and compelling content, but they're also in charge of managing costs and measuring performance along the way. Today, we’ll explore the latter—specifically, the ongoing struggle to prove ROI.

Our recent survey of 500 marketers revealed:

  • 60% of business marketers say they’re unable to measure ROI on the content they produce
  • 49% are unable to measure content performance across all channels in aggregate

Gimmick or game changer? 3 things you need to know about interactive video

by Caleb |

This story was originally published on June 23, 2016 by Learning Solutions Magazine.

A few weeks ago, I was in front of a crowd of learning professionals who face a harsh reality: Their best attempts at employee training and engagement will never be as interesting as "Game of Thrones," nor as fun as Angry Birds, nor as relevant to me as my Instagram feed. This was not shocking to anyone in the room, but the point was this: In a never-ending battle for employees’ mindshare, we must do better...


Forbes Insights Digital Transformation Report