Erika Trautman

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Not all interactive video solutions are created equal

by Erika Trautman |

Not all interactive video solutions in the marketplace today are created equal—especially when it comes to their ability to deliver measurable return on investment. Before we get into the different types available, let's establish why you should care about interactive video in the first place.


The untapped potential of video: Solving the ROI challenge

by Erika Trautman |

Digital video is a powerful medium for grabbing attention. We know this to be true based on the exponential increase in online video consumption. After all, online video will account for more than 80 percent of all consumer internet traffic by 2020, according to Cisco. Yet, measuring the business value or return on investment for all that attention is a challenge for many content creators.


Hard to Catch, Harder to Keep: How to Engage Existing Talent

by Erika Trautman |

This story was originally published via

There’s no question that talent is now firmly in the driver’s seat of the recruitment process. Empowered by easy access to information, and surrounded with myriad employment options, talented candidates are calling the shots. In order to break through and be noticed, recruiters must offer content that is much more than simply informative. It must cry out for attention and interaction—beckoning candidates with personalization, entertainment, and...


Rapt Media and Kaltura partner to increase employee and customer engagement

by Erika Trautman |

We've got some exciting news to share today. Rapt Media is integrating with Kaltura, the leading video technology provider, bringing enterprise companies and educational institutions better engagement, learning, and behavior change through interactive video experiences. The solution will be available to all Kaltura customers beginning in April.

Why go interactive?

Enterprise companies have to break through a noisy, congested minefield of competing information to reach their target...


Why better interactivity means better results

by Erika Trautman |

This post was originally published on on March 6, 2017.

There’s no question that video has emerged as the clear front-runner in the never-ending race to captivate and motivate audiences. According to recent data from Cisco, video will account for a whopping 80 percent of web traffic by 2019. In 2016 alone, Facebook, Snapchat, and YouTube saw more than 20 billion video views per day.

Don’t be fooled by the numbers. Despite the popularity of video, video content must compel...


Why enterprise companies should go interactive

by Erika Trautman |

This post was originally published by Kaltura on Feb. 16, 2017.

The mass consumption of online video hit an all-time high in 2016. Facebook, Snapchat, and YouTube alone saw more than 20 billion video views per day—a trend that’s most definitely changing consumer expectations as it relates to all of our online experiences, whether as an employee or consumer.

The question for big enterprise companies isn’t whether or not to include video in their communications, training, and customer...


Rapt Media Strategic Guide & ROI Workbook